Benefits of LEG WORKOUT and associated MYTHS | Now don't skip a Leg Day | Hindi

2020-09-26 3

About video :-
In this video i have explained,
- benefits /importance of legs training for common people and athletes.
- some associated myths busted.
From this video you should be able to understand why legs exercise is important and why legs should be strong whether a common man, old people , household lady or an athlete.

If you like this video please appreciate my work by hitting hit like, subscribe and share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

link to my previous video, What is KETOGENIC DIET ? || An overview with ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES in HINDI.

About this channel :-
This channel Spectre Strength has been started with the purpose of educating the fitness enthusiasts about Exercise and Nutrition Science from the basics and in simple language. I try to keep the technical topics as simple as possible.
I hope you like the content, if you do please hit like, subscribe and share it with your friends and family because the information is not available anywhere in a compiled form and in simple language. You may find bits and pieces scattered all over.

Please give your feedback in the comment section . Thank You.

About me :-
I am certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist with years of experience in the nutrition science and strength training.

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